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 Lead Creative Designer

& Art Director

Work & Clients


My expertise relies on over 10 years of experience in the field of digital design.

I have been part of design & development for exceptional companies

during those years including, Amazon, Shopstyle, Nestle, and others.


I specialize in digital design, marketing design, art direction UX, and project management.

To find out more about what I can do for you, discover my work

here below and contact me here.

Latest Project


The Fuse Method



I am Diana, a human female with an epicurean and wanderlust mentality due to my upbringing.

I have found myself living in 3 countries before the age of 7 due to my father's job as a Swiss Chef. Food, different cultures, and languages continued to always be a big thing at home also due to my mixed heritage.

My interest in creativity and fashion was inspired by my Brazilian mum. She was a housewife with multiples hats, the wife, the mother, the seamstress, the artisanal creator, and the sunshine. She used to in her spare time, make custom clothes for my brother and I, which always made us stand out.

Creativity is in all of us and it made me realize that I had always looked at life in shapes, different colour palettes, patterns, stories, imagination, and at times fantasy. No wonder I was drawn to express myself through design and other forms of art such as martial arts.

I am excited and open team up with you as a freelance designer or in a permanent position within a new team. Please, get in touch here below.


Looking forward to our work together.

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